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University Lutheran is…
- A Christian ministry of and to members of the academic communities of Cambridge and greater Boston;
- A congregation of young and old, students and resident members affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America;
- A place to worship, to hear the Word of God proclaimed, to receive the sacraments, to be nourished in the Christian faith, and to care for one another;
- The home of the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter from November to April and the Harvard Square Summer Shelter during the summer;
- A founding member of the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization and the Cambridge Interfaith Sanctuary Coalition;
- An ever-evolving community drawn together by the desire for worship, study, community, and service;
- A Reconciling in Christ congregation since 1989.
Our Reconciling in Christ Statement
This statement, based on text adopted by the New England Synod Council on 7 December 2024, was adopted by the University Lutheran Church Council on 21 December 2024 and by the University Lutheran congregation at its annual meeting on 2 February 2025.
We affirm that people of all gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual
orientations share the worth that comes from being unique individuals created and
loved by God;
We affirm that this congregation invites and welcomes people of all gender
identities, gender expressions, and sexual orientations into membership upon
making the same affirmation of faith;
We affirm that people of all gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual
orientation are expected and encouraged to participate in the abundant life within
this church, including leading and sharing of Word and Sacrament, rostered calls to
ministry, and the celebration of milestones in their lives and family, including
baptism, confirmation, marriage, and the blessing of relationships.
We affirm that, in caring for the diversity of our church community and beyond, we
are called to work for justice for all marginalized people, especially when the
intersection of multiple forms of marginalization can lead to exponential experiences
of injustice;
We remain committed and open to calling black, indigenous, or people of color
(BIPOC) leaders as well as people of all gender identities, gender expressions, and
sexual orientations into rostered and called ministry within this congregation;
We commit to further study, learning, listening, advocacy, and change toward greater
inclusivity as led by the Spirit of God within this community.