Sermons (Page 19)

Sermons (Page 19)

Thanks to our preachers and our Zoom tech vergers for making these recordings. Each sermon is copyright by its preacher, and made available with her/his/their permission.

Sermon for Epiphany 2021

Sermon offered by Pastor Kathleen O’Keefe Reed during the online service on Sunday, January 3, 2021 at University Lutheran Church. Texts for the service were Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14  and Matthew 2:1-12. In her sermon, Pastor Reed referred to “Marche nocturne” in L’enfance du Christ by Hector Berlioz, as performed in this recording by Orchestre de…

Where to Begin?

Sermon given by Pastor Kathleen O’Keefe Reed during the online service on Sunday, December 5, 2020, the second Sunday of Advent, at University Lutheran Church. Texts for the service were: Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 Isaiah 40:1-11 Mark 1:1-8

Hope in the Shadows

Sermon offered by the Rev. Gracious Moyo during the online service on Sunday, November 29, 2020, the first Sunday of Advent, at University Lutheran Church. Texts for the service were: Isaiah 64:1-9 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 Mark 13:24-37