Sermons on Luke (Page 2)

Sermons on Luke (Page 2)

Sermon for the Third Sunday of Easter 2023

The Rev. R. Guy Erwin, president of United Theological Seminary, gave the sermon via video on Sunday, April 23, 2023. Lutherans Restoring Creation, a grassroots organization promoting care for creation in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, provided this sermon as part of an Earth Day service. View the LRC service video below; Dr. Erwin’s reading of the…

Sermon for Christmas Eve 2022

Sermon given by Pastor Carrie Ballenger at the 5pm service on Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 24, 2022, at University Lutheran Church. Texts for the service were: This recording begins with Pastor Ballenger’s reading from the Gospel of Luke.

Sermon for the First Sunday of Advent 2022

Sermon given by the Rev. Imogene Stulken on Sunday, November 13, 2022, which UniLu celebrated as the first Sunday of extended Advent, at University Lutheran Church. Texts for the service were: This recording begins with Pastor Stulken’s reading from the Gospel of Luke. You may also read the text of the sermon (PDF).