Sermons on John (Page 2)
Room Enough: Sermon for the Fifth Sunday of Easter 2023
Sermon given by Pastor Gracious Moyo on Sunday, May 7, 2023 at University Lutheran Church. Texts for the service were: This recording begins with Pastor Moyo’s reading from the Gospel of John.
Sermon for the Fourth Sunday of Easter 2023
Sermon given by Pastor Carrie Ballenger on Sunday, April 30, 2023, also known as “Good Shepherd Sunday,” at University Lutheran Church. Texts for the service were:
Scars of Hope: Sermon for the Second Sunday of Easter 2023
Sermon given by Pastor Gracious Moyo on Sunday, April 16, 2023 at University Lutheran Church. Texts for the service were: This recording begins with Pastor Moyo’s reading from the Gospel of John.
Sermon for the Fifth Sunday in Lent 2023
Sermon given by Pastor Carrie Ballenger on Sunday, March 26, 2023 at University Lutheran Church. Texts for the service were: This recording Pastor Ballenger’s reading from the Gospel of John.
Sermon for the Fourth Sunday in Lent 2023
Sermon given by Pastor Carrie Ballenger on Sunday, March 19, 2023 at University Lutheran Church. Texts for the service were: Due to technical difficulties, the opening of the sermon was cut off. It begins, “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Sermon for the Third Sunday in Lent 2023
Sermon given by Pastor Carrie Ballenger on Sunday, March 12, 2023 at University Lutheran Church. Texts for the service were: This recording begins with the reading of the Gospel of John by Pastor Ballenger (narrator), Helen Schwickrath (Jesus), and Ann Ferentz (Samaritan woman).
Sermon for the Second Sunday after Epiphany 2023
Sermon given by Pastor Carrie Ballenger on Sunday, January 15, 2023 at University Lutheran Church. Texts for the service were:
Sermon for Holy Trinity 2022
Sermon given by Pastor Gracious Moyo on Sunday, June 12, 2022 at University Lutheran Church. Texts for the service were: Proverbs 8:1–4, 22–31 Psalm 8 Romans 5:1–5 John 16:12–15
Sermon for the Fifth Sunday of Easter 2022
Sermon given by Pastor Gracious Moyo on Sunday, May 15, 2022 at University Lutheran Church. Texts for the service were: Acts 11:1–18 Psalm 148 Revelation 21:1–6 John 13:31–35 The recording begins with Pastor Moyo’s reading from the Gospel of John.
Sermon for the Fourth Sunday of Easter 2022
Sermon given by Pastor Gracious Moyo on Sunday, May 8, 2022 at University Lutheran Church. Texts for the service were: Acts 9:36–43 Psalm 23 Revelation 7:9–17 John 10:22–30