Imogene Stulken

Imogene Stulken

The Rev. Imogene Stulken

The Rev. Imogene Stulken is University Lutheran’s music director—organist. At University Lutheran, she has also served as guest pastor and preacher, including during a 2019 sabbatical pastoral absence and our 2022 pastoral transition.

A native of Nebraska, Imogene is an ordained ELCA pastor, serving as Protestant Campus Minister at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, where she is co-director of the Peace and Conflict Studies Institute (PACSI), Advisory Board member for the Greeley Scholar for Peace Studies, affiliate of the Center for Women and Work, and advisor for the Public Health Club student organization. For several years, as adjunct faculty at UMass Lowell, she taught various sections of the First-Year Experience Seminar.

Active for many years in the Greater Lowell Interfaith Leadership Alliance (GLILA), Imogene now serves the organization as Past President. (See the video below for her November 2019 conversation with Gloria Polites, host of the Lowell TeleMedia Center program Thinking Out Loud, and other Lowell religious leaders about GLILA.) She is currently a co-leader of the Merrimack Valley Chapter of the Daughters of Abraham, a book group for Jewish, Christian, and Muslim women.

Before ordination, Imogene taught elementary-general music in the Cambridge Public Schools and was the organist and choir director at Christ Lutheran Church in Belmont. She enjoys taking morning prayer walks, making music with her husband Bruce Brolsma, and being a parent of their daughter Kerstin.

Listen to sermons by The Rev. Imogene Stulken.

Pronouns: she, her, hers

2024-25 ministry intern
Laurel Oberstadt-Petrik
music director—choir and building manager
Lorraine Fitzmaurice