Worship with Us!

Worship with Us!

All are welcome to UniLu’s one-hour all-ages Service of Holy Communion at 10:30 am on Sundays, available both in person and on Zoom. The service features music, Bible readings and reflections, prayers, and hymn-singing.

On Sunday, March 23, 2025, the Rev. Emilie Casey will preach and serve as presiding minister at our celebration of the Third Sunday in Lent. (Pastor Carrie Ballenger will be preaching at Harvard’s Memorial Church.)

Attending in person

Worship takes place in the sanctuary on the main level. Enter through the front (blue) door and turn left. Be sure to pick up a bulletin to guide you through the service.

Anyone who would like to wear a mask is welcome to do so, and masks are available for individuals who need them.

For the safety of all, please attend via Zoom, rather than in person:

We continue to practice other health and safety measures, including using air filters to improve ventilation, using individual cups for wine and grape juice during communion, and having hand sanitizer on hand.Attending via Zoom

Attending by Zoom

The service will include Holy Communion, so have your own bread and wine or grape juice ready if you would like to participate.

To connect by computer or smartphone:

Join Zoom Meeting by computer or smartphone:


Meeting ID: 969 399 534
Password: 006067

One-tap mobile

  • +13126266799,,969399534# US (Chicago)
  • +16465588656,,969399534# US (New York)

To dial in by telephone:

  • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
  • +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
  • +1 253 215 8782 US
  • +1 301 715 8592 US
  • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
  • +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
  • Or, find an international number.

Meeting ID: 969 399 534

To View or Print the Worship Materials

Zoom attendees may view or download the worship materials using the links below. Paper copies and hymnals will be available for in-person attendees.

To print the worship materials from your computer:

  1. Right-click (on a PC) or control-click (on a Mac) on the PDF link when it is posted.
  2. Choose “Save Link As” (if using the Chrome or Firefox web browser), “Download Linked File” (if using the Safari web browser), or “Save target as…” (if using Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge).
  3. The file will be saved to your Downloads folder or prompt you to select a folder.
  4. Locate the file on your computer, and double-click to open it in Preview (on a Mac) or Adobe Reader or Acrobat.
  5. Choose “Print” from the File menu. The bulletin for March 23, 2025 can be printed on 16 letter-sized pages (8 double-sided sheets of paper), and the hymns for March 23, 2025 are an additional 8 letter-sized pages (4 double-sided sheets of paper).

For more information

For general information on using Zoom, visit “Joining a Zoom Meeting?” on the Zoom website.

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