Lay Leaders
Edward A. Bucher
Ed Bucher has served as UniLu’s treasurer since 1973. He is also an ex officio member of the Church Council and its Executive Committee.
Chris Porter
Chris Porter was appointed assistant financial secretary in October 2015, and became financial secretary in January 2016. He also serves as an ex officio member of the Church Council.
Gail Bucher
Gail Bucher, UniLu’s service deacon, was commissioned at University Lutheran Church in 1999 after graduating from Diakonia-Boston. Part of her ministry is to the poor and liaison to the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter, housed in the basement at University Lutheran. She holds…
David Hoglund
Helen Schwickrath
Susan Worst
Susan Worst has been a member of University Lutheran Church since 1986 and its webmaster since 1998. She works in the Office of Information Technology and Media Services at Harvard Divinity School and taught web development from 2010 to 2017 in the Department of Computer Science…