Church Council

Church Council

The Church Council has general oversight of the life and activities of the University Lutheran congregation. The members of the current Church Council are listed below.

Minutes of the Council’s monthly meetings are available in the password-protected members’ area of this site. If you are a member of the UniLu worshipping community and already have a login, click “Members’ Area” in the top navigation menu and log in to see the minutes; otherwise, email our webmaster to obtain a login.

If you are interested in running for a seat on the Council (terms are one year for students, two years for others; elections take place at the annual congregational meeting each January or February) please speak with the Church Council president, who can refer you to a Nominating Committee member.

Mary Pederson Metelmann

Brian Tracey

Ann Ferentz

Michael Neufeld

Edward A. Bucher

Ed Bucher has served as UniLu’s treasurer since 1973. He is also an ex officio member of the Church Council and its Executive Committee.

Chris Porter

Chris Porter was appointed assistant financial secretary in October 2015, and became financial secretary in January 2016. He also serves as an ex officio member of the Church Council.

Gail Bucher

Gail Bucher, UniLu’s service deacon, was commissioned at University Lutheran Church in 1999 after graduating from Diakonia-Boston. Part of her ministry is to the poor and liaison to the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter, housed in the basement at University Lutheran. She holds…

Andrew DiBiasio

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