Activities (Page 3)
Book Talk with Dr. Benjamin Chicka
The UniLu Book Talk Series continues with Dr. Benjamin Chicka after the 10:30 am worship service on Sunday, May 14, 2023. Ben is a Lecturer on Philosophy and Religion at Curry College and the author of Playing as Others: Theology, Video Games, and a Culture of Acceptance. (He is also the spouse of the Rev. Dr. Jessica Chicka, Director for International Student Ministry at…
Book Talk with Rev. Cody Sanders
On Sunday, March 26, 2023, following the 10:30 am worship service, the Rev. Cody Sanders will speak about his new book, Corpse Care: Ethics for Tending the Dead (Fortress Press, 2023). Books will be available for purchase at $20. The Rev. Cody Sanders, Ph.D., is pastor to Old Cambridge Baptist Church in Harvard Square. He also serves as American Baptist Chaplain to…
Memorial Service for Martha Ann Robert
All are welcome to a memorial service for Martha Ann Robert on Saturday, February 25, 2023 at 2 pm. The service will take place both in person at 66 Winthrop Street, Cambridge, MA and via Zoom. Madame Robert passed away on January 26, 2023 at the age of 91. Zoom attendees may download the service bulletin (PDF), which also includes an obituary. Paper bulletins will be…
Black and Female: A Book Talk with Tsitsi Dangarembga
Join us in person on Sunday, February 19, 2023 at 12:30 pm for a book talk with Tsitsi Dangarembga, author of the new book Black and Female: Essays. Dangarembga is a writer, filmmaker, and a 2022-23 Radcliffe Fellow whose work centers the African experience, with a focus on Zimbabwe. In Black and…
Ordination of Kristofer Rhude: February 4, 2023
Please join us for the ordination of Kristofer Shurson Rhude, who served as UniLu’s Harvard Divinity School intern from 2016 to 2018. Kris is coming all the way from California for this happy event! The service will take place on Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 10:30 am both in person…
GBIO Housing Justice Campaign Teach-In
UniLu will hold a teach-in following our regular Sunday service on Sunday, January 29, 2023 to share and learn more about the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization’s Housing Justice Campaign. During this teach-in we’ll: If attending remotely, please use the Zoom link on the Sunday worship page. In person, we’ll meet in the Alumni/ae Room. Feel free to…
Paul Santmire’s “Ecoactivist Testament”
The Rev. H. Paul Santmire, nationally known figure in ecological theology, has a new book, Ecoactivist Testament: Faith Explorers for Fellow Travelers. All are welcome to two opportunities to hear more about it: On September 27, 2022, Lutherans Restoring Creation will host a Conversation with the…
Installation of Pastor Carrie Ballenger – September 25 at 2 pm
Join us on Sunday afternoon, September 25, 2022 for the installation of the Rev. Carrie Ballenger as Pastor of University Lutheran Church. The service will begin at 2 pm and will include Holy Communion. The preacher will be the Rev. Julie Boleyn, director of the Kaleidoscope Institute, an…
Block Party Returns on September 11
After a three-year absence, the UniLu Block Party returns on Sunday, September 11, 2022! Join us outside between noon and 3 pm for food, music, games, and the chance to connect with new students. All are welcome! (See the image above for a past block party at UniLu.)
UniLu Observes National Blue Sunday Day of Prayer for Abused Children
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. On April 24, 2022, UniLu will observe the National Blue Sunday Day of Prayer for Abused Children by praying for victims of child abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual) and for those who help them. As a congregation of the New England Synod of…