Posts by Susan Worst (Page 7)
UniLu Approves Sanctuary Resolution
At its annual meeting on Sunday, January 29, 2017, University Lutheran Church took a significant step toward becoming a Sanctuary congregation.
Packing Meals Brings Faiths Together
On Sunday, November 13, 2016, UniLu members joined Harvard students of different faiths—Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Sikh, and Zoroastrian—for the Harvard Chaplains‘ annual Interfaith Meal Packing Event. The group packed 25,000 meals for food-insecure residents of local communities, which were then distributed to local charities through The Outreach Program.…
2016 Inkspot Published
The 2016 edition of the Inkspot, UniLu’s annual newsletter for members and alumni/ae, is now on its way to mailboxes across the world. This issue features Pastor Kathleen Reed’s reflection on “the witness trees of UniLu”; Pastor Kari Jo Verhulst’s reports on the Lutheran-Episcopal Ministry at MIT and on the new family-friendly service at UniLu,…
UniLu Voices Featured in Campus Ministry Film
UniLu’s campus and community coordinator Jayms Battaglia, 2014-16 Harvard Divinity School intern Caston Boyd, and Pastor Kari Jo Verhulst are featured in a short film about Lutheran campus ministry released by LuMin, the Lutheran Campus Ministry Network · ELCA. The nine-minute film, which includes appearances by students and Lutheran campus ministers across the…
Remembering the Victims of Orlando
On Wednesday, June 15, 2016, from 6 to 8:30 pm, space outside and inside the church will be open for remembering the victims of Orlando. From 6 to 8 pm there will places for sitting in silence, connecting in conversation, sharing refreshments, offering and listening to music, lighting candles, and creating a traveling memorial to the 49 people who died. At 8 pm, we will…
An Event in Memory of Jeremy Kremer-McNeil
Amy Kremer and Taylor McNeil write, “On Sunday, May 22, 2016 at 2 pm there will be a forum on human trafficking at the Arlington Town Hall (730 Massachusetts Ave.) There will be several speakers, including representatives from the Polaris Project, a leader in the global fight to eradicate modern slavery of all types, and All Hands In, an Arlington-based group…
New Family-Friendly Service on Sundays
Beginning on Sunday, March 6, 2016, UniLu will offer a family-friendly, non-shushing, all-welcome worship service on Sunday mornings from 9 to 9:50 am. This initiative came out of conversation with the Sunday School families. We are going to try this until Sunday, June 5, and view this as an experiment through which we can try out new ways of teaching the faith to all…
Community Forum on Genome Editing
UniLu member Erin Cram, associate professor of biology at Northeastern University, spoke to the Community Forum about genome editing on January 24, 2016. Thanks to Erin for a fascinating presentation and for sharing the slides from her talk!
2015 Inkspot Published
The 2015 edition of the Inkspot, UniLu’s annual newsletter for members and alumni/ae, is now on its way to mailboxes across the world. This issue features an account of the youth trip to the ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit by high school student Alice Tracey; campus ministry news from Pastor Kathleen Reed, Pastor Kari Jo Verhulst, Jessica Chicka of Boston…