Santmire Book Talk: Sunday, March 16

Santmire Book Talk: Sunday, March 16

Join us after worship on Sunday, March 16 for a talk with the Rev. H. Paul Santmire, ecotheologian, UniLu pastor 1966-68, and current UniLu member, about his latest book. The Earth and the Fullness Thereof: A Down-Home Reader in Ecological Theology is a first-person engagement with current ecojustice issues for persons of faith and for seekers, offering inspiring and practical discussions of current ecojustice issues, related spiritual challenges, and how to live ecologically—all inspired by testimony from the arts and by a cosmic vision of faith.

The book cover of "The Earth and the Fullness Thereof" by H. Paul Santmire features a painting of three farmers tending verdant fields.

Pastor Santmire is donating copies of The Earth and the Fullness Thereof to support one of his favorite ministries at UniLu, the pastor’s discretionary fund. This 130-page non-technical book, Pr. Santmire’s ninth in ecotheology, markets for $21. You are invited to make a donation of $15 or more to UniLu (specify: Pastor’s discretionary fund) and then take home an autographed copy of the book, perhaps to add to your own Lenten reading list. That book would then be Pr. Santmire’s personal thanks to you for giving extra support to his own favorite ministry at UniLu.

See you after worship (at approximately noon) on Sunday, March 16!

Worship with Us!